A Day In the Life of Me

Wednesday, July 30, 2008


So, Kara took pictures for me yesterday and as much as I was hoping to get some good family pictures, Maddy threw a royal fit and would not cooperate in the tiniest bit. Turned out she was over tired. I will be trying again for family pictures on a day that I make sure she takes a nice long nap beforehand. Kara did get some great ones of everyone else though! I wanted to get some pictures of Jay and I since I'm going to take a class to make a mini album of an "Us" album and wanted some recent pictures to put in it. It's so hard to pick between all these great pictures, so if you just skip over them real quick, I understand! These are my favorites... I think!
Baby toes!

Max explaining to Hyrum that both of their eyes are blue. :)


Family toes! We love bare feet in the Blair family.

I love the faded color in this one.


My boys!

This one of Miles just makes me smile. I love his round belly, light skin, and curled toes!

And some pictures of me that I actually LIKE when I'm not pregnant!

Now I bet you all wish you had a sister as talented as mine!

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Interesting observation at the park

So, last night we went to the park for about an hour and after sitting down on a bench with Jay and Miles and finding where the other two kiddos had darted off to, I noticed a couple who were sitting in the grass who happened to be midgets. I pointed them out (not actually pointing my finger, of course) to Jay and said that it was pretty unusual.  Jay's response was that he didn't even notice them.  They had a boy probably about 4 years old playing at the park and the dad would get up and watch or help when called for/needed.  A while later they had gotten up and moved to the side of the park where I was sitting (Jay had been called by one of the kids to look at the huge gross beetles that were everywhere in the wood pieces at the park) and a kid who couldn't have been much older than Hyrum (I'd guess about 6) oogled at the woman and then ran off to tell his friends, who happened to be a couple feet behind me at the water fountain, "hey guys, this lady is really short! You've gotta come look at her!" And then she had five 6-year-olds staring at her.  She just smiled at them sweetly... I can't say I would have had the same reaction.  I was a little miffed and shook my head at their reaction.  About 3 minutes after the group of boys had decided she wasn't going to start doing anything interesting left Hyrum told me about the beetles and then went back to look at them and then shouted over his shoulder to the man midget that there were lots of beetles over here (I'm guessing he had talked to him earlier a bit since he sounded like he was familiar with him).  The man just replied something about how that was cool and Hyrum grinned in satisfaction.  I guess I'm mostly posting this to brag a little on Hyrum.  He is definitely one to notice differences (he later told me about the short man as he was getting ready to get in bed) but he just doesn't make that big of a deal about it -- it doesn't really matter.  I wish I could claim that as good parenting, but I don't think I've had a whole lot to do with it.

Monday, July 28, 2008

Sink Bath

Yesterday after lunch Miles was pretty messy and sticky, so I plopped him in the sink to give him a quick sink bath... he seemed to really like it! I had Jay grab the camera and take some pictures and they are just too cute not to share.
He is getting so dang big! He is so fun (although still teething) and he makes my heart happy.  Always one to be ready for a smile and the slightest reason to. He's 9 months old tomorrow! Time surely flies!

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Memory "Tag"

1. As a comment on my blog, leave one memory that you and I had together. It doesn't matter if you knew me a little or a lot, anything you remember that maybe brings a smile to your face!

2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. It will be fun to see the responses. If you leave a memory about me, I'll assume you are playing the game and I'll come to your blog and leave one about you.

Monday, July 07, 2008

Happy Independence Day!

We had a pretty good 4th of July.  Kara and David and their kids came over and we had a barbeque dinner and just hung out and chatted.  The kids had a lot of fun playing together (as always) and the adults enjoyed talking.  Saturday there was a neighborhood barbeque and we ate yummy food and then watched fireworks once it got dark.  Maddy was kinda scared of them (better than last year though) and had her hands over her ears and on my lap the whole time.  Hyrum absolutely LOVED them! He was laughing like a maniac the entire time.  He really cracks me up!  Here are some pictures I got of the kids while they were in the backyard.  
Maddy totally struck a pose it was so cute! She is getting to love the camera, I think.  
Hyrum actually kneeled down and put a hand on his knee when I told him I wanted to take his picture.  
I think I'm training them well. *wink*  
Miles is now 8 months old and sitting on his own for a few minutes at a time.  
I can't believe how big he's getting! He LOVES food and it seems like he is always eating something or wanting to eat.  
He just melts my heart on a regular basis.