Amber Wolf ( tagged me forever ago and I'm just getting around to doing it on my blog.
A- Attached or single: Definitely attached.
B- Best Friend: My hubby, Jay.
C- Cake or pie: Cake! YUM!
D- Day of choice: Saturday... Jay is home and no obligations, usually.
E- Essential item: Chocolate and Dr Pepper!
F- Favorite color: Pink.
G- Gummy bears or worms: Bears, but I probably wouldn't turn down either.
H- Hometown: Orem, UT
I- Indulgences: I have a major sweet tooth that I don't keep under control very well, so I guess that could be an indulgence.
J- January or July: July... as long as there is AC.
K- Kids: 3- Hyrum (5), Maddy (3), Miles (5 months)
L- Life is not complete without: Family.
M- Marriage date: March 29, 2002 (6 years!)
N- Number of siblings: 3- Kara, Jake, and Ty
O- Oranges or apples: Apples, I don't like peeling oranges.
P- Phobias or fears: Being completely alone.
Q- Quotes: All that I am or ever hope to be I owe to my angel mother. -Abraham Lincoln
R- Reason to smile: The pure laughter of children!
S- Season: SPRING!
T- Tag three friends: Jay, Kara, Tammy.
U- Unknown fact about me: I sing off-key unless there is someone singing with me. I sing to the radio anyway!
V- Very favorite store: Archiver's!
W- Worst habit: Grinding my teeth at night when I'm stressed and emotional eating.
X- X-ray or Ultrasound: Seeing as I've only had ultrasounds, I'll go with that one.
Y- Your favorite food: Oh, there is no way I could pick just one... anything I don't have to cook myself?
Z- Zodiac: Leo