2 months old and Great Grandma Jensen.

Christmas was great this year! The kids were so much fun and SO excited to open their presents! They were all really good about taking turns opening them too. We all slept over and Grandma and Grandpa Stephens' house and the Henry kids woke up about 7:00 and Maddy heard people and woke up, but I had to wake Hyrum up. After we opened presents and had breakfast, we all got dressed and headed to Ogden to visit my Great Grandma Jensen. She is 101 (102 in February) and still going pretty strong. This was her first time meeting Miles. She seems to have such a connection when the babies are young, so the first meeting is always so special. When she held Miles she talked to him almost the whole time and one of the things she always says is "you'll never know how much I love you." Miles was just staring at her the entire time like he was listening to every word she was saying and soaking it in. It was so, so sweet.

I am so blessed to have so much family that loves me.
One of the things that Jay gave me for Christmas is a book called The Five People You Meet In Heaven. I am almost done with it and if you haven't read it before, I would highly recommend it. Such a good book! Very thought provoking for me.
I hope you all had a great Christmas and have a good New Year. We are going to go to Logan for New Year's Eve and spend a couple days at my Aunt Angie's house. I'll have to try to remember to take some pictures while I'm there since it is always so much fun when we visit her!