BOY! :) We had our ultrasound yesterday. Sorry I didn't get to post about it yesterday, but it was a pretty busy day. Our ultrasound tech was awesome and explained everything to us as she was doing it. It was pretty dang obvious that he is a boy and wasn't shy in showing us either. ;) Everything looked healthy and he is measuring right on schedule too. We are all very happy and excited. His name will be Miles Graeme (the old english spelling of Graham). Miles is after my dad (it's his middle name) and grandpa (his first name). It is so nice to know his gender and get to call him by name... which gives me a little thrill each time I do! Hyrum is excited about it being a boy (or seemed to be at least) and Maddy doesn't really understand what I'm saying, I don't think.

This is a profile shot of him. You can even see his little hand by his mouth. :)

And proof that he is indeed a HE! His bum is in the bottom of the picture with his legs spread apart and his manly parts sticking out right in the middle. ;)
I even bought his first outfit today. LOL! I went to costco to get some stuff and found an adorable outfit that I just couldn't pass up (and for $5 who can blame me???). Jay saw it and said, "uh oh. The baby shopping has begun." He is dead on. We need quite a bit of stuff before he gets here, so I figure if I just get something every now and again it won't be as hard on our budget. Plus, I get to shop longer that way. Hehe.