A Day In the Life of Me

Monday, April 23, 2007

Pretty in pink!

Tonight Jay and I had date night as his schedule is pretty whacky and he gets monday and tuesday off instead of a normal weekend. My sister is nice enough to trade babysitting with us so we both really benifit from a weekly date night with our hubbies. Anyway, tonight Jay and I went to our favorite pizza buffet place, Doc's pizza buffet, and after we had satisfied our hunger and our stomachs were entirely too full we decided to walk around the mall. I got some cute florally maternity pajama pants and then we went to the scrapbooking store (Archiver's) I used to work at, of course. On the way over there, we stop in at the Verizon store just to see if they have any super specials or great deals that we just couldn't pass up. Jay has been researching cell phones for what seems like forever. We got the scoop and had them right us a quote and went to think on it some. Anyway, right in front of Archiver's is a kiosk that is a Verizon dealer (?). They offered us a better deal that we really couldn't pass up! Two brand spankin' new Razr phones for $50 and then a $100 rebate on them... so, we'd actually MAKE $50 off of getting the phones. So, hello world! the Blair's are finally apart of the 21st century with cell phones! Of course, I had to have the PINK one! (really, what other color is there???) Jay got a sleek silver one and we signed a two year contract. I can't believe after 2 years or so of talking about it we finally made the plunge and got cells. We've been having fun changing the settings and adding all our contacts and calling eachother for FREE! No more memorizing numbers for me (except my new one hehe). Anyway, we are both pretty excited about it. It'll be nice to be able to call Jay (or anyone for that matter) when I am out of the house if I need to. Okay, enough rambling... I shouldn't have had that Mountain Dew with dinner tonight. I'm off to watch The Pursuit of Happiness with my Razr-owning husband and probably Dan too. Have a great night everyone! :)

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Me and the baby.

So, yesterday I had my first dr's appointment. Everything went well and I even got an unexpected ultrasound. :) The baby is measuring right on target and everything looked good. And I got the peanut's first pictures! Today, I had my sister-in-law, Beth cut and highlight my hair. She is awesome and gives me a great deal to boot! I absolutely love my hair again. I'm thinking I need to keep the highlights up since I just like it so much better! Here are some pictures for you.
A picture taken by my sweet husband today. I am 11 weeks and 5 days pregnant. I always show pretty early, but this seems like I REALLY am!

Ultrasound picture of the baby taken yesterday. It's head is on the left side and then you can see it's little hands/arms, body, and barely see it's stubby little legs. Makes me happy. :)

A bit better picture of my new haircut/color. Did I mention I LOVE it! I could just HUG Beth!

Anyway, I'm extra tired today, so I think I'll put the kids in bed a little early, watch my Grey's Anatomy and then head to bed early myself. I NEED SLEEP!

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Spring is here!

And today it actually FEELS like it! Spring makes me happy. I love summer/spring clothes (especially for my kids) and all the activities that come with it. I took these pictures of Maddy this morning because her outfit is just too cute! Most of the pictures looked like this...

But I did get one of her smiling and I have to say, where in the world did my baby girl go??? She is not supposed to get so big so quickly! Guess she didn't get the memo. *wink*

By the way, Jay got her to smile because he was asking her if she could see the popcorn popping on the apricot (actually a plum) tree. The girl loves that song! (It's right up there with The Eensy Weensy Spider and Twinkle Twinkle Little Star... she has to have ALL three songs sung to her before she will even consider falling asleep every night and nap.)