A Day In the Life of Me

Friday, August 25, 2006


So, I have been brainstorming about what my kids are going to dress up as for Halloween for about a week now. I know, I'm way early, but I want to make them again this year and I don't want to be stressed out about it. My first thoughts were for Hyrum to dress up as Superman and Maddy to dress up as Wonderwoman until I couldn't even find premade costumes for infants in Wonderwoman. So, then it evolved to Superman and Superwoman except that there are no patterns for Superman. :( Soooooo, today I went to Hancock Fabrics with Kara and looked at patterns. We decided to do a theme with all the cousins... Maddy's going to be a princess, Hyrum's going to be a Knight, Griffin's going to be a dragon, and Xander and Max are going to be a knight or a dragon. I am so excited!!! I think they will all be adorable! :)

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Lazy Day

So, today I had a VERY lazy day. Just sat around in my pj's and played with the kids and on the computer. It was actually much needed and lots of fun! I took them outside to play in the back yard and I realized that I didn't have ANY pictures of them in the sandbox that they've been enjoying all summer. I had to run in and get my camera. Here are some of my favorite pictures (out of the 49 I took lol)...

Them playing together. They were both SO intent that I couldn't get them to look at me. Posted by Picasa

Maddy slowly filling up a bucket with sand. Posted by Picasa

Hyrum digging in the sand. Posted by Picasa

She is getting SO much hair! Posted by Picasa

Sunglasses girl Posted by Picasa