3 months!
Wow... time just flies! I can hardly believe my baby is three months old tomorrow. Miles is SUCH a happy baby... I even started calling him Smiles every once in a while. It's interesting because from the moment I first held him and he looked into my eyes I have thought that he is wise. He already has a way with people to make their best side come out and to melt the walls away. Every once in a while I think I catch a glimpse of the man he will some day be... what he will look like and his personality. It is such an amazing experience to watch a life unfold from being a brand new baby to getting a little bigger and I know his personality will just shine through more and more each time I look at him. I'm proud to be called his Mother. I'll leave you with this picture I took of him earlier today.

PS. He was smiling at his Daddy right here. :)