A Day In the Life of Me

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Holy Moly

Obviously blogging has not been a priority for me lately. Rather than try to catch you up on everything/anything or try to upload a ton of pictures, I'm just going to start from scratch... like I never missed a day blogging.

Thanksgiving was great. We got to go to Jay's oldest sister's house and spent most of the day eating way too much yummy food and hanging out with family. We went over to my parents' house for a couple hours after that and... ate some more. Like we were hungry, but what can you do when there's so much good food?

Hyrum is loving school and started asking me on Friday if he got to go to school tomorrow. He has a great teacher and is doing pretty good.

Maddy is doing great, too. She loves preschool and her teacher and she is learning so much. It's definitely worth the money to have a couple hours of peace and quiet (the girl is constantly talking) and to have her learn and love it so much. Her teacher was telling me that she is constantly talking about her brothers and what they do, so I'm glad that she doesn't mind being the only girl and loves her brothers.

Miles is finally starting to talk a little more and it seems like his vocabulary is increasing every day. Sometimes I have to decode what he is saying before I understand it, but here are the words I can remember that he says now: dinosaur, ear, eyes, hair, chin, spoon, fork, down, Mom, Dad, Dan, light, some too, no, more, thank you, drink, duck, blanky, go. I'm sure that there are more, but that's what I can remember for now.

Graham is getting up on his hands and knees constantly and rocks back and forth. No crawling yet, but I'm sure that will be coming very shortly (much to my dismay). He is so fun and his laugh always brightens my day.

I've still been baking up a storm... seems like whenever I have a free hour I end up in the kitchen making something sweet to satisfy my sweet tooth. Good thing I'm good with sharing!

I will try to be better about posting more often!