It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas
The last couple have weeks have been crazy busy with lots of fun Christmas stuff going on. We had 2 gingerbread house decorating parties (one with the Stephens side and one with the Blair side). My camera wasn't working for the first one and then the second one I couldn't find it until all the houses were already decorated and mostly eaten. I'll share some pictures anyway though.
Graham about to grab Michelle's Christmas tree. He was actually very soft with it and just wanted to discover how it felt.
Then we went to Temple Square last sunday night to look at all the beautiful lights. I took some pictures there as well, but my battery died after not too long.
And here are some cute pictures of Graham just because he's adorable. He's crawling all over the place now and I am constantly worried about the stairs. We'll have to get a gate up there soon! Oh, and Kara crocheted the cute hat!
His smile lights up the room! I love this little dude!