So, Saturday we had an Easter egg hunt with my family and since it was raining, we hid the eggs in the church's cultural hall. Which turned out great! The kids loved it and no one was wet or cold and no candy got ruined from the rain.
Miles was SO excited when we let all the kids in the gym. He immediately picked up an egg in each hand and ran around yelling "ooooh! oooh! oooh!". It was so dang cute! Although, he made it very hard to get a picture of since he was running around everywhere. Oh, and he would not let go of those first 2 eggs to pick up any more. Oh well, he's happy, I'm happy.
The bigger kids literally found all the eggs in about 10 minutes. They were very excited to go back to Grandma's house so they could open them all and find out what they got inside! Much sugar intake happened then. Talk about sugar rush! They were bouncing off the walls!
Then Sunday we went to church, of course. The kids got dressed in their Easter best and I had to take pictures before we left! I can't believe how big they are all getting!

Then, after church we went to my parents' house for lunch/dinner and hung out for a while. It was very relaxing and great to be with my family. I'm so blessed to have such a great family.
Today, we finally got around to dying some eggs. The kids LOVED it and I think they could have done a dozen each.
They started with coloring the eggs with crayons (so, the dye wouldn't go where the crayon did). Two very focused children there.

Then they dipped them in their color of choice and after they dried the dye kit I bought had stickers for them to add which they absolutely loved! I think they turned out cute!

So, that pretty much wraps up Easter 2009 for us. Sorry for the picture overload!